What Colors Go with Red

What Colors Go With Red? – How to Decorate with the Color Red

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Red may seem a difficult color to work with when it comes to interior design, but if it is done properly, you can create a rich and energizing environment. Not only are there many shades of red, but there are also some amazing colors that go with red to help make a space less overwhelming. To help you with your choices in colors, let us now delve a little deeper into what colors go with red.



How to Find Great Color Combinations With Red

Red is considered a warm, energizing color that is exciting and tends to draw your attention. Red is one of the primary colors along with blue and yellow. When combining these colors, you form your secondary colors and these include green, orange, and purple or violet. These can also then be combined to form your intermediate colors such as blue-green, red-orange, and so on.

Red and Yellow Make Orange

All of these colors can be represented in what is called a color wheel. The color wheel is something you can see and helps you to determine what colors work best with each other. When looking at the color wheel, you will notice that the primary colors are placed in a triangle shape within the circle.

Color Wheel Color Combinations

You should also take note that the color wheel can be divided in two when it concerns color temperature or color bias. The red colors, orange and yellow colors are all warm and are situated on one side, while the cooler blue and greens are on the other side. Color temperature can play an important role in the look of your final room design, depending on the mood or atmosphere you wish to create. Next, you will find some of the best color matches with red.

Selection of Red and Other Shades


Complementary Colors to Red

The first color combination you can determine by looking at a color wheel is your complementary color of red. All complementary colors work well when paired next to each other, as they create a beautiful contrast. Find red on the color wheel, and then look at what color sits directly opposite. In this case, the complementary cooler of red is green. You can also get split complementary colors, and these are found on each side of your complementary color. This would be blue-green and yellow-green.

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Red#ff00000, 100, 100, 0255, 0, 0
Green#00ff00100, 0, 100, 00, 255, 0

Red and Green are Complementary Colors


Monochromatic Colors

A monochromatic color scheme always works well as it is made from a single color like red, but there are many variations or shades and tints of the same color. When using a monochromatic color scheme, helps prevent a color choice from becoming too monotonous and creates an easy and harmonious color combination to work with.

Combining Shades of Red

When using this type of color combination for decorating, it might be a bit limiting, and including other more contrasting colors could add more interest. You can also choose red colors with different undertones, some shades of red can be cooler, while others are warmer, and it is all about the amount of blue and yellow in the particular shade of red.

Shade of RedHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeRed Color
Red#ff00000, 100, 100, 0255, 0, 0
Red 1#b300000, 100, 100, 30179, 0, 0
Red 2#ff4d4d0, 70, 70, 0255, 77, 77


Analogous Colors

More colors that go with red are analogous color types. These particular colors can be located beside each other when looking at the color wheel. This would then include red, along with yellow as well as orange. All these colors are quite energetic, so when using a color scheme that includes these colors, select one main color, and bring in the other colors as accent colors.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Red#ff00000, 100, 100, 0255, 0, 0
Orange#ffa5000, 35, 100, 0255, 165, 0
Yellow#ffff000, 0, 100, 0255, 255, 0

Red and Analogous Colors


Triadic Colors

We all know the primary colors of yellow, red, and blue. These form an even triangle when looking at the color wheel. These colors work well together and when being compared to contrasting colors, are easier on the eye. Even though this color combination does form as much of a contrast as complementary colors, it is still a vibrant color combination, no matter what shade of color you choose.

Decorating with Red Yellow and Blue

However, more pastel colors should provide a more calming visual experience. Using equal amounts of these colors can become a little overwhelming, so again, choosing one main color and bringing in smaller amounts of the other colors should work more harmoniously.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Red#ff00000, 100, 100, 0255, 0, 0
Blue#0000ff100, 100, 0, 00, 0, 255
Yellow#ffff000, 0, 100, 0255, 255, 0



Colors That Go With Red

As mentioned, red can be a dominant color as well as stimulating and energizing, especially if used in larger amounts. Incorporating a red accent wall or red furniture and accessories, all produce a bold statement. So, the best rooms in the home would be your kitchen, dining, and living areas.

Red Suits Dining Areas

In the bedroom, where you want to relax, red may not be the best dominant color choice. However, if red is used properly, it can bring in a bit of warmth. Popular options include using smaller amounts of red and combining it with colors that go with red. You can use colors like black to shades of blue and, of course, your complementary color of red, green. There are many color combinations you can try.

Red is an Ideal Front Door Color

Red can work wonderfully as a focal point in a room, which can also be brought in through things like wood paneling. A simple idea, which still makes a bold statement is painting the front door red or painting window frames red. You could even paint the ceiling red to make a more unique and bold statement. Of course, there are many shades of red and some can create a more sophisticated and elegant look. For example, merlot.

Shade of RedHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeRed Color
Merlot#865f5f0, 29, 29, 47134, 95, 95

Merlot is a Sophisticated Shade of Red

Depending on what shade of red you choose color matches with red can usually involve black, white, cream, pink, gray, and various shades of blue. Using red in a color scheme can be challenging, so knowing how to use it correctly can save you a lot of time and money. Here are a few easy guidelines you can follow.

  • Do not paint an entire room red if you are unsure of how to properly do it. Rather incorporate shades of red in items like rugs, pillows, and curtains. These you can easily change if you get tired of the color. When doing this, consider patterns with red, instead of solid colors so you can also bring in other colors and blend colors more seamlessly.
  • Generally, red should be avoided in rooms like the bedroom as it is energizing and vibrant. However, if you plan properly and bring in red together with a neutral or color complement color scheme, it can be done. A softer shade of red can work for a more subdued effect.
  • When selecting a red color, choose shades of red that are less vibrant or muted, for example, maroon, magenta, burnt orange, coral, or similar options.
  • Neutral colors like gray and white can help to tone down a vibrant red. Also, using less is better when it comes to bolder colors. A pop or splash of color can easily bring color into a room, it does not have to be an entire room. For example, a red vase on a side table, a patterned red rug, or a painting with red against a more neutral background.
  • A popular option is red as an accent wall, as it adds a focal point without being too much.
  • If you do choose red walls, try painting the trims white to soften the red and balance the colors.
  • If you do not have wooden floors, add in red rugs for a pop of color. However, wooden floors and other wooden furniture items can also work well with red.
  • You can also use furniture to bring in red color, use bolder reds if you are more adventurous, or bring in brown furniture that has red undertones for a more subdued look.
  • You can also bring red to the outside of the home. For example, painted red houses or red bricks, red front doors, or red roofs.
  • You can control if you want a more powerful presence or if you simply want a subtle hint of red. Use the 60-30-10 rule to determine how much red to use in combination with other colors.


Red and Green

The first image that comes to mind when combining red and green is Christmas and everything festive. However, incorporating these colors into you your home can be very effective and there are many shades of color you can choose. You can easily combine these colors and avoid the overly festive look of the brighter green and red combination.

Red and Green Interior Design Concept

When using more pastel colors or more subdued colors like mint green and coral, you still get the boldness of red, but it is not so overwhelming. These colors help to balance each other, the coolness of mint with the warmth of the coral. The muted shades offer a less festive appeal than their brighter counterparts.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Coral#ff7f500, 50, 69, 0255, 127, 80
Mint Green#98ff9840, 0, 40, 0152, 255, 152


White, Gray, and Red

You can always rely on neutral colors like gray and white, which are great color matches with red. The splashes of red can make a bold statement and can act as the perfect focal point in a room. Just as there are shades of red, you can also get various shades of gray. For example, a charcoal gray can work well with red but will add a little more excitement to a room. If you do not want to go for a bright red, you can always go for softer brick-toned red shades. Also, you can play around with off-white colors if you do not want to go for a stark white.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Gray #d2d3ce0, 0, 2, 17210, 211, 206
Brick Red#b9554f0, 54, 57, 27185, 85, 79
Off-White#fbf7f50, 2, 2, 2251, 247, 245

Using White Grey and Red Together


Red and Orange

Orange and red are both warm and energetic colors, so should be used sparingly alongside another more neutral base color. If you do go with orange, consider more vibrant choices that have similar tones to red. These colors can work extremely well together in items like patterned rugs or throws. These two colors can also work well if yellow is included, which can create a warm, autumn feel, analogous color palette.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Red#ff674d0, 60, 70, 0255, 103, 77
Orange#ffc04d0, 25, 70, 0255, 192, 77
Yellow#e5ff4d10, 0, 70, 0229, 255, 77

Red Combined with Orange


Black and Red

If you are looking for a more dramatic and eclectic look, black can act as a great background for red. You do not have to go extreme and paint black walls, you can simply add in black pillows. This is a classic combination that can work well together, sometimes white can be included for a more balanced look. How about a shade of red for the background, with black leather couches? Another idea for the kitchen includes black countertops with red and white cabinets or bringing in a pop of color with a red stove or oven.

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Red#b300000, 100, 100, 30179, 0, 0
Black#0000000, 0, 0, 1000, 0, 0

Red and Black Used Together


Pink and Red

Pink can be considered a lighter shade of red, so it should be considered one of the colors that go with red. You can try using a light pink or even a dusty pink for the best results. Red is associated more with energy and passion, while pink tones things down a bit and is more feminine. To match tones in color, try using a more medium, softer red along with the pink color. Copper and leather elements can also be worked into this color scheme to add a slight rustic or masculine touch.

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Etruscan Red#b300000, 100, 100, 30179, 0, 0
Dusty Pink#e1ad9d0, 23, 30, 12225, 173, 157

Red and Blush Pink Interior


Red and Brown

Replace the pink and red for a brown and red for a more dominant masculine feel. This color combination can work great for an office or library and provides a more sophisticated look. For example, painting the walls a darker shade of red and adding dark wooden furniture, a desk, or bookshelves. Some of the more popular red colors include terra-cotta and rusty red as they are colors that can be found in nature, together with brown.

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Dark Brown#6543210, 34, 67, 60101, 67, 33
Terra-Cotta#e2725b0, 50, 60, 11226, 114, 91
Rusty Red#da2c430, 80, 69, 15218, 44, 67

How to Use Brown with Red


Beige and Red

Beige is one of the more neutral colors, which tends to go with most colors including red. Create a more layered look in a room by using various shades of beige and then adding in red sparingly for color. For example, paint the walls beige and then use a different shade of beige for the couches, and to add color, use red cushions, throws, or a rug. The beige helps to tone down the red, so it does not overwhelm the space and creates a more welcoming space.

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Soft Beige#ddc7a00, 10, 28, 13221, 199, 160
Beige#f5f5dc0, 0, 10, 4245, 245, 220
Burgundy#8000200, 100, 75, 50128, 0, 32

Red Accents with Beige


Blue and Red

Blue and red go very well together, along with white added to the combination. The colors can help to create a variety of styles from vintage to more modern looks. You can also use various shades to achieve different looks, for example, navy blue and brighter reds like cherry red.

Red and Blue Used on Exterior

Muted blue colors can also work well with brighter shades of red. However, most shades of blue can work well with red. An easy way to bring in these colors without being overpowering is to use patterns that add color, depth, and interest to a room.

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Cherry Red#d2042d0, 98, 79, 18210, 4, 45
Navy Blue#000080100, 100, 0, 500, 0, 128
Muted Blue#83a1cd36, 21, 0, 20131, 161, 205



If you enjoy the energy and vibrancy of red, then it is a color you need to bring into your home. Red may be a little more challenging to work with than other colors, but many colors go with red, and you can create some amazing living spaces be it a living room, kitchen, bathroom, or even a bedroom.



Frequently Asked Questions


What Colors Go With Red?

Red can work well with many colors and some of these color matches with red include green, blue, orange, pink, black, white, gray, beige, and other shades of red. Red is quite a bold color, so creating different color combinations helps to create more balance in a red color scheme.


What Is the Complementary Color of Red?

Complementary colors are located on opposing sides of the color wheel. In this case, when you look for red, the color that is opposite is green. When paired together, these colors help each other stand out and form a contrast, which can work nicely when used correctly for an interior design.


What Is the Significance of Red in Design?

In most cases, red is associated with energy, stimulation, excitement, love, and boldness, it attracts attention, and when used for interior design, the color can make a bold and dramatic statement. Red can be used on the walls, in wallpaper, and can also be used in furniture and other accessory items like cushions and throws. Red can add color to a neutral room and brings with it the energy it is so well-known for.

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