What Colors Go With Maroon

What Colors Go With Maroon? – Make the Most of Deep Brown Reds

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Maroon is a color that can sometimes be mistaken for brown, as it is a darker shade of red. When used for interior design, the color has become quite popular as it can work in practically every room in the home. However, what colors go with maroon? To find out, read on about how you can create the best maroon color schemes for your home.



How to Determine Maroon Color Combinations

Maroon is a darker shade of red, but since there are many variations of the color red, maroon can also sometimes be mistaken for colors like burgundy. However, while maroon is a blend of the colors red and brown, burgundy is a blend of red as well as purple. Burgundy is therefore a little brighter and will have a purplish undertone.

Maroon Compared to Burgundy

These colors and all other colors can be found on the color wheel, which is a visual display of colors and helps artists and designers to figure out what color combinations work. Some of these combinations are mentioned further below.

Harmonize Maroon Using the Color Wheel

Another aspect of the color wheel will help determine if a color is warm or cool. Colors like red, orange, and yellow are grouped on one side of the color wheel and are considered warm colors. The blues and greens are on the other half of the color wheel and are cool colors. Color temperature can affect how an interior looks and feels. Knowing how and where to balance warm and cool colors is essential in creating a palette for your room that evokes the mood you want it to. Red is a warm color, and therefore, so is maroon. You will also notice various color codes in the tables, these are simply there to help identify the specific colors.

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Maroon#8000000, 100, 100, 50128, 0, 0
Burgundy#8000200, 100, 75, 50128, 0, 32


Complementary Color Combinations

The direct complementary color of maroon is teal or blue-green color. These colors fall on the opposite side of the color wheel and create a perfect contrast to one another, as they stand out against each other. Other colors than can also colors that complement maroon are green and yellow.

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Maroon#8000000, 100, 100, 50128, 0, 0
Teal#008080100, 0, 0, 500, 128, 128

Maroon and Complementary Colors


Analogous Color Combinations

These colors are positioned nearby or next to one another when referring to a color wheel. Maroon is a combination of both red and brown, so it can be slightly challenging to determine color combinations. However, there are many free online websites and tools you can use.

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Dark Pink#8000400, 100, 50, 50128, 0, 64
Maroon#8000000, 100, 100, 50128, 0, 0
Dark Orange#8040000, 50, 100, 50128, 64, 0

Analogous Maroon Color Scheme


Monochromatic Color Combinations

This is a simple color combination that is usually quite easy to work with when it comes to interior design. You do not have to worry about colors clashing, as the color combination is a variation of a single color. These colors have little to no contrast like your complementary colors.

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Seal Brown#3400000, 100, 100, 8052, 0, 0
Maroon#8000000, 100, 100, 50128, 0, 0
Russian-Red#cd00000, 100, 100, 20205, 0, 0

Monochromatic Maroon Color Scheme


Triadic Color Schemes

This color combination again forms a contrast with three colors that are evenly spaced on the color wheel and are in the shape of a triangle. In this case, it would a shade of green and blue that go along with the maroon. Of course, when designing, there are different shades of the various colors you can use, and below are simply examples of the types of color combinations.

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Navy Blue#000080100, 100, 0, 500, 0, 128
Maroon#8000000, 100, 100, 50128, 0, 0
Office Green#008000100, 0, 100, 500, 128, 0

Triadic Maroon Color Scheme



Maroon Décor in the Home

Maroon can be a wonderful color choice for walls, as it can create a space that is relaxing, warm, and welcoming. The color, in general, is associated with spirituality, calmness, and thoughtfulness. This color can also bring some life into an otherwise neutral room and can help to brighten the mood.

Maroon Sofa in Gray Room

To create a balanced color palette, a general rule, is to use a ratio of 60:30:10. This means you select the main color and use it in 60 percent of the room, while the other two colors you choose, act more as accent colors for maroon. The maroon color can just as easily be used less in a room as an accent color. The color can easily fit into any room from a living area to bedrooms and bathrooms and is ideal for elegant and classic design styles. Here are some recommended ways you can make use of maroon décor.

Maroon Accents in Minimalist Room

  • Maroon colors are perfect for walls and can produce a warm and comforting space in areas like the dining room or living areas.
  • Maroon helps to stimulate the appetite, so it is a great color for the dining area or kitchen.
  • The maroon color can often be seen in oriental-type rugs, so if maroon is your color, then consider adding these to your design plans.
  • Use maroon as an accent color to bring some warmth to a more neutral color room.

Maroon Walls in Bedroom


Living Areas

As mentioned, maroon is a warm and inviting color, since it is darker than your average red, the color becomes more sophisticated and can add a certain amount of elegance to a room. Various shades of maroon can be used on the walls but consider the darker maroon as an accent wall for a neutral-based design theme. Instead of stark white, consider choosing an off-white so that the warmth is carried throughout the room.

Maroon Used in Modern Living Room

You can bring in other elements like maroon drapes, cushions, or throws. You can also think about adding natural wooden furniture, for a more elegant look. When bringing in a maroon couch, you can use accent colors for maroon in a rug placed in front, or the cushions and tables and vase or lamps on the sides. You could basically use the maroon couch to create a color scheme for the entire room.

Dark Maroon Sofa in Blue Room


Dining Room

To help stimulate the appetite, maroon is a good idea for the dining room. For a rich and more intimate dining experience, painting all the walls maroon, adding accent colors for maroon like white, and using natural wooden table and chairs, and a hanging chandelier can create a stylish dining area. You can also simply choose to create a neutral base for the room and add maroon chairs for a bit of warm and inviting color.

Luxury Maroon Dining Room



Maroon can be used on kitchen cabinets to become the first color you see when you walk into the kitchen. This can easily be paired with white to create contrast. Black or gray can also be brought in to add more depth. If you have a smaller or narrow kitchen, using maroon as your main color might make the space seem smaller. Rather use maroon as your accent color and bring it in via appliances and other fixtures.

Maroon Used in Kitchen



Using maroon in the bathroom might not be the most popular choice, but it can create a room that provides a sense of luxury, especially if combining it with colors like gold and using natural wood elements. By using maroon in the bathroom, you will be creating a unique space that is all your own.

Maroon Used in Bathroom



The warmth of maroon is perfect for spaces like bedrooms. You can use maroon on the walls, or as an accent wall, or simply incorporate the color in the headboard, rugs, and other accessories. Maroon is a great color to help improve sleep as it does not have the stimulating effect red does. The most common combinations are maroon and other neutral colors like beige or ecru.



What Colors Go With Maroon?

Let us take a closer look at what colors go with maroon. We have already established that the complementary color of maroon is teal, however, below is a short list of neutral colors that complement maroon.

Neutrals with Maroon

Maroon is a strong color that works best with neutral colors. These combinations can inspire a comforting, beautiful, and warm space. Remember to use the 60:30:10 rule when choosing colors and there are various shades of color as well. For example, instead of white, you might want to go for an off-white. Black can also be used with maroon but needs to be used in correct proportions to avoid the color scheme from being too rich and dark.

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Brown#6543210, 34, 67, 60101, 67, 33
Gray#8080800, 0, 0, 50128, 128, 128
Tan#e3bc9a0, 17, 32, 11227, 188, 154
Cream#fffdd0255, 253, 208255, 253, 208
White#ffffff0, 0, 0, 0255, 255, 255
Black#0000000, 0, 0, 1000, 0, 0

Maroon Used with Neutrals


Pinks and Maroon

This can be a bold color combination, especially if paired with brighter and bolder colors like salmon pink. Try a softer pastel or dusty pink, for a more subdued combination with maroon. This can create a beautiful feminine space that is unique and appealing. When choosing a neutral background, consider maroon curtains and use pink as an accent color in cushions and blankets for the bedroom.

Maroon with Pinks

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Dusty Pink#e1ad9d0, 23, 30, 12225, 173, 157
Maroon#8000000, 100, 100, 50128, 0, 0
Salmon Pink#fa80720, 49, 54, 2250, 128, 114


Gold and Maroon

Both of these colors are warm and luxurious and can be used in combination for interior design ideas. You can also experiment with the various shades of color until you find the color you like best. Gold can also be incorporated by adding in gold metal items like a clock, lampstand, and other fixtures or fittings. To tone down these two strong colors, adding a neutral color will create a more harmonious combination.

Maroon and Gold Color Combination

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Gold#ffd7000, 16, 100, 0255, 215, 0
Maroon#8000000, 100, 100, 50128, 0, 0
Beige#f5f5dc0, 0, 10, 4245, 245, 220


Blue and Maroon

Blue is quite a useful color and is used a lot in designs of all kinds, including interior design. Maroon is a dark red and pairs well will lighter and cooler shades of blue. Consider using a gray with blue undertones as your main color on the walls, and then use maroon as one of your accent colors, bringing it in via the furniture, linens, cushions, rugs, and other accessories. To bring in a brighter color and add more contrast, consider including the shade of teal as your third color.

Maroon and Blue Combination

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Gray-Blue#b8bccc10, 8, 0, 20184, 188, 204
Maroon#8000000, 100, 100, 50128, 0, 0
Teal#008080100, 0, 0, 500, 128, 128

Blues Go With Maroon


Green and Maroon

Green falls under the heading of the colors that complement maroon. You can try various tones and shades of green, but richer and darker green colors like emerald can create a luxurious feel to a bedroom setting. You can also layer your green color by using different shades of green and add in gold elements to make it even more opulent and to provide a bit of brightness. Also, when adding a bit of brightness to the combination, you can consider using a neutral color.

Green and Maroon

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Dark Emerald Green#105e2683, 0, 60, 6316, 94, 38
Maroon#8000000, 100, 100, 50128, 0, 0
Ivory#fffff0            0, 0, 6,255, 255, 240


Red and Maroon

Since both maroon and red are from the same family of colors, this could be a bold color choice. Both are quite strong colors, but they do tend to work well together. You can often do this combination in more subtle ways. For example, many oriental rugs contain patterns and colors with both red and maroon and will make a nice addition to a neutral color base design. You can also opt to include shades of red throughout the room. Add a neutral white or gray to prevent all the colors from becoming too overpowering.

Combining Red and Maroon

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Light Red#ff55550, 67, 67, 0255, 85, 85
Maroon#8000000, 100, 100, 50128, 0, 0
Light Gray#d8d8d80, 0, 0, 15216, 216, 216


Purple and Maroon

Another bold combination, but they do go well with each other. However, try to keep with the 60-30-10 rule. So, choose a more neutral color as your base and then include maroon and purple as your accent colors.

Purple Used with Maroon

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Off-White#ffffff0, 0, 0, 0255, 255, 255
Maroon#8000000, 100, 100, 50128, 0, 0
Purple#6828610, 62, 7, 59104, 40, 97



Now that you have a basic understanding of what colors go with maroon, you can begin experimenting with your own color schemes and maroon décor ideas. The easiest way is to simply add maroon accessories to start with. However, if you are in love with the color, you can make a bolder move and paint your walls maroon.  Whatever your choice, you are sure to land up with a warm and luxurious space.



Frequently Asked Questions


Are Maroon and Burgundy the Same Color?

No, these are two distinct colors, each with its own identifying hex codes. Maroon can be described as being red mixed with brown, while burgundy is more of a red mixed with purple. The two are extremely similar, but if you look closely, you will note the differences.


What Colors Go With Maroon?

There are quite a few colors that go with maroon, but the best choices are some of the neutral colors when it comes to interior design. These include white, gray, beige, cream, brown, and even black. The complementary color of maroon is teal, which also works well with maroon. However, pinks, greens, and blues can also go with maroon if used properly.


What Is the Meaning of Maroon?

Maroon is a darker shade of red, so shares some of the qualities of this color. For example, love, life, health, and boldness. However, maroon is calmer and more luxurious than red. Maroon adds more depth to a color palette and can be sophisticated and can also help to increase energy levels and stimulate appetite.


How Should You Use Maroon When Decorating?

Maroon can be used to paint walls in a room, and there are many other ways to use the color. However, many recommend using the color as an accent color, along with a neutral color like gray or white as your main choice. Maybe also bring in a second accent color like teal or blue, or any colors that complement maroon, and use the 60:30:10 rule.

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